ADMH Run for Health 5K/1K

Dunwoody, GA, USA
15 Sept, 2024 (Dim)


5 km

À propos de l'événement

The ADMH Run for Health is a Run/Walk and Fun Run supporting comprehensive health and related services for teens and adults with developmental disabilities. When an individual with a developmental disability turns 21, they must transition from the nurturing environment of pediatric healthcare to the adult healthcare system; it becomes difficult to find adult care from professionals who really understand the unique needs of individuals with disabilities. What happens to these same adults as they become more mature and show signs of aging health issues? Your support helps the Adult Disability Medical Healthcare (ADMH) provide caring, compassionate and comprehensive care. Our teens, men and women with developmental disabilities and their families thank you for making them a priority.

Join us in supporting health and wellness for individuals with developmental disabilities! All participants receive a ADMH Run for Health dry fit tee, a swag bag full of valuable goodies, and the chance to win great prizes for

Biggest Team Largest FundraiserMost Miles Challenge

Awards will also be given to

Overall Winners - Men and Women Overall Masters - Men and WomenOverall Winner - Push Assist Team1st, 2nd and 3rd Place winners by age category

Race Times! 

8:00 am - Registration / Bib pick-up
9:00 am - 5K (Wheelchair Division)
9:10 am - 5K run/walk 
9:15 am - 1K run/walk

*For the safety and protection of our patients and all Run for Health participants, ADMH follows current CDC health recommendations

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 15 semaines pour vous préparer


15 Sept, 2024 (Dim) - 09:10
5 km
Sur site

1K Fun Run

15 Sept, 2024 (Dim) - 09:15
0 km
Sur site


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