Bicentennial Fun Run/Walk

La Grange, KY, USA
19 Juill, 2024 (Ven)


5 km, 10 km

À propos de l'événement

Join us for the inaugural Bicentennial Fun Run/Walk. This is a fun run/walk to celebrate the bicentennial of Oldham County and the renaming of the Greenways Commerce Parkway trail to the Greenways Bicentennial Trail. Runners will begin at the Sauerbeck Family Drive-In and run a 10K course up to the I-71 overpass and back to the drive-in. Walkers will be bussed up to the I-71 overpass and walk a 5K course back to the drive-in.

All participants will receive a race shirt and a challenge coin at the finish line.

Stick around after the run/walk to watch a movie at the Sauerbeck Family Drive-In at no additional fee. 

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 7 semaines pour vous préparer

Trail 5K Fun Walk

19 Juill, 2024 (Ven) - 18:00
5 km
Sur site

Trail 10K Fun Run

19 Juill, 2024 (Ven) - 18:00
10 km
Sur site


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