Cet événement ne sera pas organisé en 2022.

Bourbon City Mile

Bardstown, KY, USA
11 Juin, 2021 (Ven)


1 mi

À propos de l'événement

Join us for the second Bourbon City Mile! Year one was everything we could have hoped for and more! We had fast milers, fun families, and plenty of delicious bourbon and cuisine. This year we hope to be even better! We missed out on 2020 (with every thing else), but we are so excited to be back to celebrate National Bourbon Weekend in 2021! It took us a long time to make this decision to have this event this year, but we have seen how other events have handled their races safely.  We are excited to host the race on the campus of Bardstown Bourbon Company. Their beautiful facilities will provide amazing backdrops to your scenic 1 mile run! We will have runs for all different skill levels and ages. After the run, tour their facilities, enjoy bourbon tastings, delicious food trucks, and music. This race will kickoff Bardstown's Bourbon celebration weekend which includes, the Bourbon Mixer after our event and the Bourbon Street Concert on Saturday. All proceeds from this race will go towards building hiking trails in Bardstown. In 2019, because of your participation, we were able to purchase a bridge and help revive the trails at Community Park. The trail is open to the public and will be called "Town Creek Trail" and "Reservoir Ridge Loop." We hope you can check them out while you visit!

As a part of our initiative to create ecotourism in Bardstown, we hope to make our race as eco-friendly as possible. We will have no cups on our 1 mile course. The cups we have at the finish will be biodegradable. We will have recycling, compost, and trash bins located throughout the grounds with information on what goes in each receptacle. Our shirts are made from 100% recycled materials (mostly plastic bottles) and our vendors will use biodegradable utensils and cups. We love our hometown and want to keep it beautiful and clean!

Courses proposées par cet événement

1 Mile

11 Juin, 2021 (Ven)
1 mi
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