Brighton Marathon

4.3 (4 Avis)
Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom
06 Avr, 2025 (Dim)


42.195 km

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06 Avr, 2025 (Dim)
42.195 km
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4 Avis
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Mandy Ashmore
Country flag of GB

Great experience albeit a little hilly at the end!

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Rebecca Thompson

Great atmosphere, the people of Brighton are so wonderful and supportive - saw the best of people in this race! However Miles 21-23 are around an industrial estate with no support at all at the time where it's needed most!

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Gary Wood

Great first Marathon route! Looking forward to next years race already. I would highly recommend this to anyone thinking about doing their first marathon.

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Victoria Mumford
Country flag of GB

Great fun! Good turn out of spectators and a nice flat run for the most part with great views of the sea for the last leg. Although there were only 2 water stations, the rest were lucozade which I couldn't drink.

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Résultats 2022 : Brighton Marathon

12 Avr, 2022 (Mar)

Alix Ramsier a devancé 8347 coureurs pour remporter la victoire en 02:29:07, suivi de Ben Holmes qui termine en 02:29:25. Will Green prend la troisième place en 02:30:01. Dans la course féminine, Melissah Gibson a remporté la course avec un temps de 02:51:07. Elle devance Ania Gabb d’une minute 36 secondes. Sarah Hanley monte sur la troisième marche du podium en terminant avec un temps de 02:56:01. Top 5 Hommes 1 Alix Ramsier COULSDON 02:29:07 2 Ben Holmes BIRMINGHAM 02:29:25 3 Will Green SEAFORD 02:30:01 4 Damian Nevnns PINNER 02:32:32 5 Joshua Teece DARTFORD 02:33:06 Top 5 Femmes 1 Melissah Gibson LONDON 02:51:07 2 Ania Gabb BEACONSFIELD 02:52:43 3 Sarah Hanley LONDON 02:56:01 4 Becky Wright HERTFORDSHIRE 02:58:48 5 Sarah Kingston WORTHING 02:59:14 Retrouvez les résultats complets
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