Great North Run

4.3 (3 Avis)
NewCastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
08 Sept, 2024 (Dim)
Taille de l'événement: 50000 - ∞ participants


5 km, 21.097 km

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 19 semaines pour vous préparer

Great North Run

08 Sept, 2024 (Dim)
21.097 km
Taille de la course: >30000 participants
Voir la carte du parcours
Sur site

Great North 5K

08 Sept, 2024 (Dim)
5 km
Sur site


3 Avis
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Olga Sien

Great atmosphere

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Andy Hall
Country flag of GB

A very popular race and well supported but not a great course. Not a PB type race but enjoyed the experience

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Jo Hollis

Well organised for such a large event. Course has a few hills but they are a steady gradient, was my first half and found it quite easy. Absolutely Amazing atmosphere from start to finish. Plenty of water stations and gel stands. The spectators were amazing, offering sweets and encouragement all the way. Finish line is well organised, all the charity tents and stalls were laid out well and easy to find. All race information was easy to follow and a great medal, t shirt and goody bag at the end. Great day so entered again this year and the next two

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