Newton South HS Annual Lions 5K Race

Newton, MA, USA
19 Mai, 2024 (Dim)


5 km

À propos de l'événement

The Lions 5K Race is an annual event organized by the Newton South Booster Club to support athletics and school spirit at Newton South High School. The race is open to the public and runs through the streets surrounding Newton South High School. 

All participants who register before May 1st, 2024, will receive a FREE t-shirt and a ticket to a prize drawing. After May 1st, t-shirts will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, so make sure you register early to secure your t-shirt.

You can run as individuals or as part of a team (a South team or one you create). Race prizes will be awarded in many categories, including Best Lion-themed costume.

Early Registration fees:
$35 Adult
$25 Youth and High School students

Race Day Registration (starts 7:30am):
$40 Adult
$30 Youth and High School Students

Course Description
NEW START at Newton South High School adjacent to the Newton South Preschool Program playground. From the start, runners follow the Brandeis field’s access road and turn right onto Brandeis Road. Then left onto Greenwood, right onto Dudley, up a small hill and a quick right onto Drumlin Road. Downhill and a right onto Hartman Road, crossing Greenwood Street before taking a left onto Meadowbrook, a right at Country Club Road, a right onto Arnold Road, a right again at Sharpe Road and a left onto Wheeler Road. At the end of Wheeler, the course turns right onto Parker Street, right again onto Roosevelt, then left back onto Brandeis. For a NEW FINISH runners will turn right into the high school’s main parking lot, proceed to Winkler Stadium, enter the track doing a counter-clockwise lap before finishing at the track finish line.

Courses proposées par cet événement

5K Race

19 Mai, 2024 (Dim) - 09:00
5 km
Sur site


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