North Georgia Super Sprint Triathlon

Dawsonville, GA, USA
19 Mai, 2024 (Dim)


250 yd, 2.25 mi, 8 mi

À propos de l'événement

It's a new year and we welcome back a new season for triathlons!  This is the first for the year, finishing with a Championship race at the beginning of October.

We're opening with Super Sprint & Super Sprint Relay Distance for Adults and have the Kids Triathlon as well. The swim portion will be at the outside pool of Veterans Memorial Park in Dawsonville so it's manageable for both Adults and children.  Awesome shirts & finisher medals for everyone.  We'll have awards in the Adult divisions for the Top 3 Overall Male & Female, Top 3 Masters Male & Female, and awards in each Age Group.  We'll also be awarding the Top 3 in each Age Group for the kids.

Awesome shirt option including Adult, Women's v-neck & Youth!

After all the adults have finished their race the kids will start their event. The adults do their bike on the road, but the Kids Race will be completely on the park grounds. 

Interested in becoming a Sponsor?  Email us at [email protected] for more details!

Courses proposées par cet événement

Super Sprint

19 Mai, 2024 (Dim) - 08:00
Sur site
  • Natation
    250 yd
  • Cyclisme
    8 mi
  • Course
    2.25 mi


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