Pacific Paradise Sprint 5k, 10K, and Half Marathon

Santa Monica, CA, USA
13 Avr, 2024 (Sam)


5 km, 10 km, 21.097 km

À propos de l'événement

At High Tide Runs, we're not just an event – we're a movement, a community of runners bound by the love of the run and the serenity of the sea. Whether you're a seasoned speedster chasing personal records or a mom with a stroller seeking a family-friendly outing, our races are tailored for you.

Why settle for the norm when you can have an extraordinary experience at a fraction of the cost? We're not about the glitz and glamor of extravagant events; we're about substance and connection. Our mission is to make running accessible to everyone, to celebrate the journey rather than the spectacle.

Start Location: 2000 Ocean Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90405

Bib Pick-Up Time: 

Starting at 6:30 am

Race Start Times:

Half Marathon: 7:00 am

5K, 10K: 7:30 am ( No Early starts for 5K, 10K) 

Course Time Limit:

3 Hours and 20 Minutes. The finish line closes at 10:20 am.

Early start for Half Marathoners only at 6:30 am may be pre-arranged 

Email [email protected] for details

Parking: Beach Lot Parking is $12.00 per car. 

 This is a RAIN or SHINE event

For more information regarding parking, race transfers, rain policy, discounts, and directions click on the following link

Courses proposées par cet événement

Half Marathon

13 Avr, 2024 (Sam) - 07:00
21.097 km
Sur site


13 Avr, 2024 (Sam) - 07:30
5 km
Sur site


13 Avr, 2024 (Sam) - 07:30
10 km
Sur site


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