Tour de Tirol

3.7 (3 Avis)
Söll, Austria
04-06 Oct, 2024 (Ven - Dim)
Taille de l'événement: 100 - 999 participants


10 km, 23 km, 42.195 km, 75 km

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 23 semaines pour vous préparer

Söller Zehner

04 Oct, 2024 (Ven)
10 km
106 m de dénivelé positif
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Hohe Salve ULTRA Trail

05 Oct, 2024 (Sam)
75 km
4000 m de dénivelé positif
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05 Oct, 2024 (Sam)
42.195 km
Taille de la course: 250 - 499 participants
Sur site

Pölven Trail

06 Oct, 2024 (Dim)
23 km
1200 m de dénivelé positif
Taille de la course: 250 - 499 participants
Sur site

Questions fréquemment posées


3 Avis
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Oksana Kazymirova
Country flag of UA
42.195 km

I am writing to express my frustration and disappointment regarding my recent race experience. While the race itself was enjoyable, there were several issues that I encountered which greatly impacted my overall satisfaction. Firstly, I would like to address the matter of the medals. It was disheartening to discover that I did not receive a medal after completing such a challenging race. The sense of accomplishment that comes with receiving a medal is an important part of the overall race experience, and its absence was quite disappointing. Furthermore, I would like to express my concern regarding the absence of Ukraine from the list of participating countries. Despite registering several months in advance, Ukraine was not represented on your social media platforms or featured on the welcome sign at the registration area. This exclusion was not only frustrating but also quite outrageous. I kindly request that you address this oversight and ensure that all registered participants are properly acknowledged, regardless of their country of origin. Furthermore, I would like to bring to your attention the discrepancies between the starter pack I received and the contents that were advertised on the Instagram account. Additionally, I would like to address the issue of the promised finisher rewards. It was stated that finishers would receive both socks and t-shirts. However, upon collecting my finisher rewards, I was only given a t-shirt and no socks. While I thoroughly enjoyed the race itself and had initially planned to participate in all three days of the event in the future, the organizational gaps and shortcomings I encountered have cast doubt on my willingness to do so. I had hoped to recommend this race to my fellow runner friends; however, due to the poor organization I experienced, I am hesitant to do so. It is truly a pity, as the race course itself was a delight to run. I appreciate your attention to these matters and your prompt resolution of the issues I have raised. I believe that by addressing these concerns, you can significantly improve the overall race experience for future participants.

It was beautiful and really hard

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Alexander Kruse
42.195 km

Ich möchte hier meine tollen Erfahrungen von der Tour de Tirol mit euch teilen. Organisation: Das Laufevent war vom Anfang bis zum Ende wirklich gut durchorganisiert, hier möchte ich ein besonders großes Lob an den Veranstalter aussprechen! Ich würde mir wirklich wünschen, wenn es viel mehr so tolle Veranstaltungen geben würde. Landschaft: Die ganze Region lässt mich seit Jahren nicht mehr los, und ich verbringe regelmäßig meine Wochenenden am Wilden Kaiser. Umso besser finde ich noch, dass es hier auch einen so atemberaubenden Marathon gibt. Landschaftlich ist der Marathon ein absoluter Genuss, es sollte wirklich jeder hier mal dabei sein. Der Marathon: Für mich persönlich war es ein hartes Rennen, da sehr viele Höhenmeter zu bewältigen sind. Beim einzigartigen Zieleinlauf auf der Hohen Salve, sind aber all die Mühen wieder vergessen. An alle da draußen, die noch nicht dabei waren, ihr habt bis dato etwas wirklich Besonderes verpasst.

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Jonathan Yee
Country flag of US
75 km

amazing 3 days in austria, it was my first time on a trailrunning event like this, will be back this year

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