Brian Reiffer Addiction Awareness 5K Run/Walk

Caledonia, MI, USA
18 Mai, 2024 (Sam)


3.1 mi

À propos de l'événement

Join us May 18th, 2024 for our 3nd annual Brian Reiffer Addiction Awareness 5K Run/Walk. 

Hosted by Max Effort Performance this 5K run/walk is a way to raise awareness related to addiction and overdose as well as raise money to support local agencies and families impacted by addiction. We have had around 200 participants each year and have raised almost $27,000 to support local agencies such as The Kinzler Family First Foundation and Elle's Place as well as establishing a trust to support Brian's 4 children.   We are thrilled to be able to continue our mission to raise awareness, provide resources and offer support to those impacted by addiction. As well, we hope people use our event to celebrate their sobriety! 

Brian Reiffer was a well known and loved Caledonia community member. Brian lost his battle with opioid addiction in July of 2021 leaving behind 4 children, 3 sons and a daughter.  As a family we have experienced first hand the trauma associated with losing a son, brother, brother-in-law and father.  Going into our 3rd year without Brian we continue to find ways to share information related to drug abuse and overdose as well as educate community members, friends and family on support systems available to them. 

The number of people experiencing loss and heartache due to drug use and overdose continues to climb in the United States. "In 2023, DEA seized more than 78.4 million fentanyl-laced fake pills and nearly 12,000 pounds of fentanyl powder. The 2023 seizures are equivalent to more than 388.8 million lethal doses of fentanyl. The 2024 fentanyl seizures represent over 11.2 million deadly doses." * 2 mg of fentanyl equates to a potentially deadly dose*  If we can reach just one person, one friend, one father or one daughter through this event we will have done our job.  We hope you can join us!


Courses proposées par cet événement

Brian Reiffer Addiction Awareness 5K Run/Walk

18 Mai, 2024 (Sam) - 10:00
3.1 mi
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