Deer Lakes Track & Field/XC 5k Run/Walk and Kids 1 Mile Fun Run

Cheswick, PA, USA
13 Août, 2023 (Dim)


1 mi, 5 km

À propos de l'événement

5k Run/Walk

Thanks for your interest in this fun 5k run/walk to support the Deer Lakes Track & Field and XC athletes. The 5k starts at the Deer Lakes High School parking lot and finishes on the track. There is no official timing, but the stadium clock will be running throughout the race. Come enjoy a beautiful morning supporting local athletes!

Pre-registration is suggested, but same-day registration will be available at 8:30am.

Kids 1 Mile Fun Run

The kids run will kick off right after the 5k completes at approx 10:30am. The kids can enjoy interacting with the high school athletes while running a mile on the track with some fun obstacles after each lap.


Register by June 30th to receive a free t-shirt. After June 30th or to order extra t-shirts, go to the link below:


Courses proposées par cet événement

5k Run/Walk

13 Août, 2023 (Dim) - 09:30
5 km
Sur site

Kids 1 Mile Fun Run

13 Août, 2023 (Dim) - 10:30
1 mi
Sur site


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