Folsom 100 - Granite Bay

Granite Bay, CA, USA
04 Mai, 2024 (Sam)


20 mi, 54 mi, 100 mi

À propos de l'événement

Folsom 100!!
Come join us for the first ever FOLSOM 100 mile ultramarathon circumnavigating Folsom Lake! The Folsom 100 will start from Granite Bay state recreation area in the five percent parking lot at 5:00 am on May 14th 2022. Runners will have 34 hours to complete the 100-mile loop around Folsom Lake. You will be starting from Granite Bay and traveling through , Loomis, Auburn, Cool, Salmon Falls, El Dorado Hills, Folsom Point and back to Granite Bay ! We have combined large sections of our other races (Meat Grinder, Snowberry, Red Dragon, and Dead Truck) into this one EPIC route! The views around Folsom Lake and river canyons are stunning as you work your way through this incredible course. The 50 mile race will end at the Skunk Hallow Parking lot in Pilot Hill. Parking is very limited here and drop off/pick up is advised. There will be no shuttle this year. The 100 mile 2 person relay switch out will also take place at Skunk Hallow Parking lot in Pilot Hill. First year pricing is in effect! Sign up fast and earn your buckle!


Granite Bay - start

Rattlesnake SRA - 10.4 miles

Cardiac Hill (water only) - 16.96 miles

Auburn Overlook Park (drop bag) - 19.46 miles

Cool (drop bag) =26.86 miles

St. Florian road - 33 miles

Rattlesnake bar - 45 miles

Skunk Hallow (drop bag) - 54 miles

Magnolia -66 miles

Skunk Hallow - 77 miles

Old Salmon Falls staging area (water only) - 81 miles

Browns Ravine - 92 miles

Granite Bay - FINISH! 103 miles

Courses proposées par cet événement

100 miles

04 Mai, 2024 (Sam) - 05:00
100 mi
Sur site
Bord de lac

100 miles Relay

04 Mai, 2024 (Sam) - 05:00
100 mi
Relais (2)
Sur site
Bord de lac

54 miles

04 Mai, 2024 (Sam) - 05:00
54 mi
Sur site
Bord de lac

20 miles

04 Mai, 2024 (Sam) - 06:00
20 mi
Sur site
Bord de lac


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