Grand Junction Rides & Vibes

10-11 Mai, 2024 (Ven - Sam)


15 mi, 30 mi, 40 mi

À propos de l'événement

Welcome to registration for the 2024 GRAND JUNCTION RIDES & VIBES. 

This event is being produced with people who ride, work, and play in the Grand Junction community and we couldn't be prouder to have you join us.

Friday, May 10:  Pro Men's & Women's Downtown Crit, JUNIOR Male & Female Downtown Crit, the Clunker Crit

Saturday, May 11: Pro Men's & Women's 40 mile races, Filthy 40 mile race, Dirty 30 mile race, Fresh 15 mile race (Men's/Women's/Masters/Junior)

Visit for event details including course maps, music lineup, and more. 

Please contact the Grand Junction Sports Commission with any questions or support needed during the registration process. We are always looking for volunteers as well, direct any interested individuals our way or have them complete the volunteer registration category.

Grand Junction Rides & Vibes is adopting the policy set forth by UCI regarding transgender athletes. Read more about this policy here:

In the unlikely case of severe weather, or any other external issues that prevents the event from taking place, all athletes will receive a FULL REFUND or have the option to defer their entry until 2025. No refunds otherwise. 

Courses proposées par cet événement

Fresh 15

10 Mai, 2024 (Ven)
15 mi
Sur site

Filthy 40

11 Mai, 2024 (Sam)
40 mi
Sur site

Dirty 30

11 Mai, 2024 (Sam)
30 mi
Sur site


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