Great Pumpkin 10K

Saco, ME, USA
29 Oct, 2023 (Dim)


10 km

À propos de l'événement

Online registration for the Great Pumpkin 10K is now open. The first 100 entrants for the in-person race receive a long-sleeve race shirt. We're also offering a virtual option, with no shirt.

Race-day registration and bib pickup is outside Huot's Seafood Restaurant on Eastern Avenue in Camp Ellis, which is where the finish line is located.

The start is about four-tenths of a mile away, at the corner of Seaside Avenue and Ferry Road (Route 9), so you'll want to arrive early enough to give yourself time to get to the start.

As usual, proceeds will benefit three charities – the American Lung Association of New England/Trek Across Maine, the Tina M. Turcotte Memorial Scholarship Fund and the Shawnee Peak Adaptive Ski Program.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Virtual 10K

Course virtuelle
29 Oct, 2023 (Dim) - 00:00
10 km


29 Oct, 2023 (Dim) - 09:30
10 km
Sur site


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