Round Church Women's Run

Richmond, VT, USA
20 Juill, 2024 (Sam)


5 km, 10 km

À propos de l'événement


Certified (VT13002JK) 5K and 10K out-and-back on Cochran Road, starting and finishing at Farr Road, diagonally across the main road from the historic Round Church. The course is paved with a few rolling hills.


Pre-registration is online. You can now register online Day of Race! Online registration closes at 7:00 am.

Early bird packet pickup will be at the SkiRack (Friday, July 19) from 4:00-6:00 pm.

Race morning packet pickup at the Round Church 6:30-7:15 am , in the southeast corner of the Mann & Machine parking lot, by the start/finish line (diagonally across the main road from the Round Church).

In-person race day registration from 6:30-7:00 am SHARP! Again, you may also register online on race morning.


Open to runners of ALL ages who identify as female.


Entry Fee

$30 pre-registration/$35 race day. GMAA members subtract $5 from entry fee.



Top runner in each race. A random draw will include all participants and volunteers.



Girls on the Run - VT



Parking will be at the Round Church parking lot on Bridge St and overflow parking at Volunteer’s Green.  PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON THE ROAD IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH.



Race Directors - Hillary Holmes & Sylvie Frisbie: [email protected]

The Town of Richmond has asked that no dogs be allowed at the race, including spectator's dogs.

Refreshments for all after the race

NOTE: GMAA/Insurance rules prohibit running with a baby jogger or dog. For safety reasons and as a courtesy to fellow runners, GMAA strongly discourages the use of headphones.

There are no refunds, deferrals, or transfers.


We are also excited to announce that this year's Round Church Women's Run will include a category for non-binary-identifying participants. GMAA believes that all athletes have a place of belonging in our events and welcomes all women and non-binary runners and walkers to register for the 2024 Round Church Women's Run. 


Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 7 semaines pour vous préparer


20 Juill, 2024 (Sam) - 07:30
5 km
Sur site


20 Juill, 2024 (Sam) - 07:30
10 km
Sur site


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