Slickville 5k Coal Mine Climb & 2 MIle Fun Walk

Slickville, PA, USA
10 Août, 2024 (Sam)


2 mi


5 km

À propos de l'événement

Come join us during our 2023 Slickville Community Days celebration! The August 12th 5k race is a challenging backcountry route with several hills leading up to the "coal mine climb" up the slate mound past the famous Slickville sign that overlooks the town. The 2 mile walk is a much gentler course through town for the first half and returning to the finish on the Westmoreland Heritage Trail where you can watch the runners in their attempt to reach the summit of the race.  Be sure to sign up early to guarantee receipt of an event sports shirt in your preferred size.

*** New This Year ***

After completing the run/walk, all participants will be treated to a complimentary pancake breakfast with locally sourced genuine maple syrup courtesy of the Slickville Presbyterian Church and Maple Lodge.

An awards ceremony will follow around 9:30 but feel free to stay or come back later to check out the other events including a car show, craft and food booths, children's activities, a cow patty bingo and musical entertainment throughout the day and evening.  A fireworks display will take place shortly after dark.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 10 semaines pour vous préparer


10 Août, 2024 (Sam) - 08:30
5 km
Sur site

2 mile walk

10 Août, 2024 (Sam) - 08:30
2 mi
Sur site


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