XTERRA Trail Challenge

Waihi, New Zealand
07 Déc, 2024 (Sam)
Taille de l'événement: 0 - 99 participants


8.2 km, 13.4 km, 20.5 km, 42 km

Fait partie de la sérieXTERRA

À propos de l'événement

The XTerra Trail Challenge Waihi is a trail running/walking event in the historic Karangahake Gorge which has a myriad of old tramping, rail and tramway tracks completely surrounded in native bush, where some of the best off-road trails around the country call home.
The XTerra Trail Challenge is the culmination of the popular XTerra Auckland Trail Run / Walk series, a series of 6 events that have been held May - Sep this year in some of the best off-road locations in and around the greater Auckland region. The XTerra Trail Challenge Waihi is open to off-road and trail enthusiasts of all ages, abilities, regardless if you’re tall, short, young, wise, a rabbit or a tortoise, this event screams inclusive!
Each event offers 4 courses ranging from Short (5 to 7km) to Super Long (21km+) and some in-between, with a competitive/non-competitive walk or run option. There's always some challenging but achievable terrain to tame while you're out there, and there will always be a cold speight's for you when you get to the finish!
Whether you have completed the full XTerra series season and this is your final challenge of the year or it is your first-time event, you are going to have a blast!

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 27 semaines pour vous préparer

Mid Course

07 Déc, 2024 (Sam)
13.4 km
470 m de dénivelé positif
Sur site

Short Course

07 Déc, 2024 (Sam)
8.2 km
130 m de dénivelé positif
Sur site

Trail Tiger (kids)

07 Déc, 2024 (Sam)
8.2 km
Sur site

Long Course

07 Déc, 2024 (Sam)
20.5 km
980 m de dénivelé positif
Sur site

Super Long Course

07 Déc, 2024 (Sam)
42 km
1500 m de dénivelé positif
Sur site


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